Sandstone Wallpaper

Sandstone Wallpaper

Cladstone , as the product is known, is a natural stone veneer that comes in the 3mm Sandstone Series or the 2mm Slate Series.

When chemicals and heat are apllies to the quarry stone face for a specified period, the result is: the stone peels away from the quarrx face leaving about 2-3mm of it hanging on the backing material (Strong Cotton Netting in the case of Sandstone & Polyester Fibre in the case of Slate ). There is no compromise. The inimitable grains, textures any colours of nature are there to be admired and enjoyed.

Products of Sandstone Wallpaper

Cladstone A1

Cladstone A2

Cladstone A3

Cladstone A4

Cladstone A5

Cladstone A6

Cladstone A7

Cladstone A8

Cladstone A9

Cladstone A10

Cladstone A11

Cladstone A12

Cladstone comes in 20 amazing colours. It can be used on all interior and exterior surfaces. It´s natural texture combinded with an unprecedented thickness has allowed it to successfully penetrate exterior and interior architecture, wallpaper industry, tile art, furniture making, object design and lightning.

Excavated at 2-3mm thick instead if the traditional 40-50mm means that a quarry that would narmallx provide about 10.000m² will now provide approximately 100.000m². Indeed if the environmental toolprint of a cut stone were that of an elephant, certainly in relative terms, the Cladstone environmental tollprint would be that of a butterfly

The popularity of Cladstone is rapidly growing, the take-up has increased to around 30 countries today ( from four countries five yeras ago ). It´s excellence has also been noted: Cladstone was the Grand Prix winner at the 32nd International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva

Some References

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